Surround Yourself with People that inspire you!

Surround Yourself with People that inspire you!

I have been blessed with so many friends in my life.  Some inspired me and made me want to be a better person.  Some were bad influences on who I was at the time, my weaknesses, and I knew I had to get away from them.  On the flip side of that, I have been a great influence and inspiration to people at certain points in my life and I have been a horrible influence on people at times also.  Probably more of the latter, I'm not sure and I dont believe in living in the past anymore so I have to let all of that go.  The reason I share this today, I think it is a good sign in your character and growth to evaluate both of these every year.  Whom am I surrounding myself with, do they make me happy, do they make me want to do and be better? Then flip it...who is around me all the time, do I improve thier life? Am I being an inspiration or bringing them down all the time?  Reflect, trust your gut and move forward.  Thats what I do.  We only get one ride on this carosel and I want mine to count! As always, thanks for listening to my babble! xxxxxooooo TS
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